CSR/environmental activities
CAC will fulfill its social responsibilities as a company through CSR/environmental activities and contribute to solving social issues.
CSR activities
CAC promotes development support for students, who will grow up to lead informatization, and support for people with disabilities to take on challenges of sports.
Environmental Policy
Based on our corporate philosophy of “creating new value with advanced ICT in the global field,” our group will conduct activities with consideration for the impact on the global environment and strive for continuous improvement toward environmental preservation.
- In promoting our business activities, we will comply with domestic and international environmental laws, international conventions, and agreed-upon agreements.
- Minimize the environmental impact of our overall business operations, including the reduction of greenhouse gases to help prevent climate change.
- We will strive to reduce our environmental impact in new businesses and in the expansion of existing businesses.
- Promote energy and resource conservation, waste reduction, and environmentally responsible purchasing.