
CAC promotes software process improvement activities in accordance with international standards and quality management in order to provide high-quality software and services to customers.

Quality Policy

Continuous provision to our customers with “surprise and delight” beyond “safety and security”.

  • Maintain and improve system and organization that produce high-quality products and services.
  • Foster human resources who can generate great ideas by making full use of the latest ICT technologies.
  • Each single employee take pride and confident in the products and services they provide.

Information Security Basic Policy

Under our corporate philosophy of “creating new value with advanced ICT on a global scale,” our company provides valuable solutions globally that contribute to innovation in various fields of society and business. To this end, we recognize that it is our social responsibility and a critical management issue to protect the information assets entrusted to us by our customers, as well as our own information assets, from various threats such as disasters, accidents, and cyber-attacks, and to prevent business interruptions caused by cyber-attacks. In addition, we recognize that measures to ensure information security extend beyond ourselves to the entire supply chain, including domestic and overseas bases and subsidiaries, business partners, and subcontractors.

To realize these objectives, our company has established an Information Security Basic Policy and is committed to ensuring information security with the united efforts of all employees.

<Information Security Basic Policy>

(Promotion of Information Security Risk Management)
We recognize information security risks as critical area for which management is responsible. We have established a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and a Security Control Division, which are in charge of maintaining and improving information security. We have established internal rules, such as an Information Security Policy, and will strive to continuously implement and improve information security measures under the leadership of management, in accordance with the understanding of information security risks and risk analysis.

(Employee Education)
Our executives and employees understand the importance of information security, comply with information security policies, and make daily efforts to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. We also regularly provide information security education and training to our executives and employees to ensure that our information security initiatives are in place.

(Management of External Contractors)
When outsourcing business operations, our company thoroughly examines the reliability and commitment to information security of external contractors. We clearly define information security requirements in contracts and conduct regular audits and evaluations to ensure that the information security measures of the contractors are appropriately implemented.

(Information Security Incident Response)
In the event of an information security incident, we will take appropriate and strict measures, share and disclose information in cooperation with relevant organizations, minimize damage to our customers and ourselves, and endeavor to ensure prompt business continuity and prevent a recurrence.

(Internal Audits)
To verify that laws, regulations, and company-defined rules related to information security are being complied with and are functioning effectively in business operations, our company conducts regular and/or ad-hoc internal audits of information security.

CAC Corporation
Hirotomo Sabetto


“Marks of Confidence for Privacy Protection” (JIPDEC’s “System for Granting Marks of Confidence for Privacy Protection”)
Certification under the JIS Q27001:2023 (ISMS) (Enterprise Service Div. General Industry Service Dept., BPO Service Dept.)