Terms of Use

This website is operated by CAC Corporation (“CAC”). Please note that it is assumed that you agree to any and all the terms of use if you use this website. CAC may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, change any part of the terms at any time without any prior notice. Therefore, you are requested to confirm the latest terms before using this website.

1. Use of Personal information

Please click here to read CAC’s Use of Personal information.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Please click here to read CAC’s Personal Information Protection Policy.

Handling of Personal Information

Please click here to read our handling of personal information.(Japanese Only)

2. Copyrights and other intellectual property right

Unless specifically stated to the contrary, the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of all the content on this website such as articles, products, services, trademarks, logos, illustrations, photos, and etc. belongs to CAC. Under no circumstances shall any part or the whole of the above works be transferred, copied, broadcast, publicly transmitted, translated, sold or rented without the prior written consent.

3. Disclaimer

CAC pays attention in every respect when inserting contents on this website, however, it shall not be liable for any damage incurred for any reason, including but not limited to, inaccuracy, alteration or deletion of the contents of this website, occurrence of a problem on this website, and suspension or discontinuation of operation of this website.
CAC is not responsible for the contents, conditions and maintenance of the other websites whose link is on this website.